Vehicle Finance Conference & Exposition

Bellagio - The Resort

Tuesday, January 30 - Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Kiosk Package Information

Kiosk packages include graphics and may be ordered from Show Management. These freestanding kiosks with your custom branding and graphics - and optional video monitor - help you stand out from the crowd and free up you and your team for networking and prospecting. Please reach out to Marilyn McKinnis at to order or if you have questions.

Responsive image
Kiosk with Monitor*
(includes power)
  • Top Header: 38 1/8"L x 14 3/4"H
  • Side Panels: 18 1/2"L x 14 3/4"H
  • Back Panel: 38 1/8"L x 91 3/8"H
    (Not available when positioned back-to-back with another kiosk or event decor)
  • Main Panel: 38 1/8"L x 54 1/8"H
    (Some of which will be obscured by the monitor)

Business Partner Rate: $5,500
Non-Member Rate: $7,500

Responsive image
Kiosk without Monitor
(includes power)
  • Circle Panel: 24” diameter
  • Main Panel: 38 1/8"L x 54 1/8"H
  • Back Panel: 38 1/8"L x 54 1/8"H
    (Not available when positioned back-to-back with another kiosk or event decor)
  • Curved Panel: 42 1/2"L x 8 1/8"H

Business Partner Rate: $4,500
Non-Member Rate: $6,000

Kiosk must be ordered and graphics submitted by Friday, January 12, 2024.

To upload graphic files: CLICK HERE

*Kiosk set up and tear down is included with this package. There is minimal storage inside the kiosk; no storage is allowed around or behind kiosk. One stool isincluded with this package and no other furniture is permitted. NOTE if you purchased a kiosk that is back-to-back you will not have back graphics.

Production information will be included in the Exhibitor Services Kit on the conference website: